Custom-built AI BoTs

Get your own fully AI Powered customer made BOT within just 30 days!

Custom-built AI BOTs

If you want all your BOTs in your own environment, and own the BOTs completely, and host it yourself – don’t feel you are left on your own.

We leverage our frameworks, and our deep AI skills to develop it for you very quickly. We also provide you the training and optional support services as and when you need, such that you can manage them independently.

We can also develop your BOTs on any other high-quality AI product platform. Please write to us here to inquire.

How it works?

You fill a simple template describing your requirements
We give you a quote! Based on the optional modules you need
You provide information/content to the BOT via standard content template

API end-point for Dynamic Content or Services

We give you the BOT for UAT testing

You set-up server environment at this stage or we can do it for you.

We deploy in production set-up, handover documentation

Optional training service for your staff

Why should you let us do this?

With our ready skills and experience, you get the best of the BOTs in the shortest time possible. Remember that we have made one of the best Conversational AI products anywhere.

You save your time to market and keep your project costs in control.

We will train your staff after deployment, such that you become independent.

We are always around with optional support services, just in case.